Friday, May 16, 2014

The Thing About Summer

Yesterday was my absolute last day of high school. How exciting, huh? The beginning of summer and the end of school is such a magical feeling, don't you think? There's this feeling of excitement that permeates the air and seeps into your brain and shuts down anything related to calculus or government and fills your head with visions of bathing suits and photo adventures and headbands with messy buns and bangs. (remember this post? yep, still obsessed with bangs. c'mon hair, give me four more inches and i'll snip some bangs again!)

Here are some of the things I'm loving about summer this go round:
king of pops / lemonade / flowers / wendy's / being outside with the sunshine and breeze and blue skies / bright shorts and sandals and messy hair / driving with the windows down and music up

Sincerely, mad

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