Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Plant Therapy

It's been a quiet couple days over here at the Duff house, but then today happened. Megan and I went with a lady from church to a greenhouse, something I've been itching to do. Gotta get some succulents, ya know. So we went to the greenhouse and I don't know when this green fever hit me but it was a dream. So much green! So many earthy plant smells! Remember when I told you I had never been an outdoorsy person? Yeah, I was right when I said that had changed. Those plants were wonderful. I'm dying to add some greenery to my bedroom, and some succulents were just what the doctor ordered. My new friends are named August, Gertrude, and Bernadette. Bernie is the one with the colorful flowers. Gertrude has some small yellow petals that migrated from some other plant, so I'm able to keep her apart from August. I think I'm in love with them.
The greenhouse is my new favorite place.

Sincerely, mad

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