Tuesday, February 17, 2015

around here lately

 ^^^have stick, will selfie^^^
 ^^^fav shot of a fav human^^^
The blogging itch has returned! Hooray for you, invisible blog readers!

Provo has no longer decided what season it wants to be, which means no tights some days and all the layers other days. Half of me is chanting "snow snow snow!" at all times and the other half of me keeps eyeing striped dresses from target because those seem summery and summery is good.

We've discussed this before, but getting older has really turned me into a nature person. I want to go on all the hikes and spend all my time outdoors. So if Provo could decide to be spring and gas could stay under $2, we could have some serious adventures. Valentine's Day and our Bridal Veil Falls adventure was a little too fabulous, so give me all the giant rocks to climb. The girls and I have already begun discussion about our "spring break." BYU is lame and doesn't have one so we're going to do something fun and day trip-y around the time other people do spring break because the thought of going 8 more weeks without a break kind of makes us want to hibernate and eat all the chocolate.

On another note, here at the Y, we turn our assignments in on this online database called Learning Suite, and on Valentine's Day, the normally blue and white design had pink accents and floating hearts. There were no online decorations for Christmas or for Thanksgiving. I see where your priorities are BYU. I see.

This link. Serious life reanalysis. Do I like who I am when I binge watch friends? Eh. Do I like who I am when I go hiking on the weekends? Yeah buddy.

While we're at it, a few buzzfeed links that are just too good in order to fuel your procrastination for the day: herehere, and here. You're welcome.

And an update on the 52 weeks photography challenge- I'm already behind. Whoops.

Sincerely, mad

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