Friday, May 8, 2015

new york new york new york

It's my soul city, what can I say.

I always feel silly talking about things that make me grown up, because one of my least favorite things in the world is someone treating me like I'm younger than I am, and I feel like highlighting the "growing up" I'm doing just emphasizes the fact that I'm a baby adult. But I've mentioned this before and I'll mention it again- this blog is my coming of age story. An online journal of sorts. So if I want to write about how this is the first trip I've paid for by myself and how I've planned this and figured it all out by myself and how it makes me feel pretty grown up and special, gosh darn it I'm going to write about that. Because being a grown up is pretty rad.

Man, I love New York. I love the food (i'm talking to you shake shack and grimaldi's) I love the parks, I love the subway, I love Broadway- I just love the city. I could totally live in a tiny apartment that is way overpriced. I mean, I was on my own a few times and didn't get on the wrong subway train once. Not once! That's full blown New Yorker material right there.

My cousin took me down to SoHo and the Highline and Chelsea market and the West Village, and just when I thought I couldn't love New York anymore, my heart exploded. I saw the Friends building, had Jamaica juice (which is amazing and not pronounced like the country), walked the Highline (which is rivaling Central Park in fabulousness), and found the store of my dreams (paper source, you're wonderful. never change).

There's no way I could sum up an entire dream weekend in my soul city in a blog post that's less than 400 pages- I don't even know where to start! I'm already plotting how I'll spend next summer there, so if you know an editor in New York that needs an intern next summer, I'm available! Until then, I'll tame my travel bug by looking over and over the pics I took from the weekend and take full advantage of the internet by pretend apartment shopping. Until next time New York. One of these days I'll come to stay.

Sincerely, mad

1 comment:

  1. take me back!!!
    love the pics and glad you had fun! can't wait to hear all about it over skype :)
